[su_box title = "Hillyard Lemon Furniture Polish" style=“soft"]
This Multi-Surface Furniture Polish leaves a dust free surface. For cleaning and polishing light and dark finished wood furniture and other furniture surfaces, such as, ceramic and plastic tiles, chrome, stainless steel, porcelain, brass, vinyl, enamel, marble, stone, acrylics, and fiberglass. Resists fingerprints. Does not build up or leave a heavy residue.
- Spray On & Wipe Off!
- Dusts
- Cleans
- Polishes
- In One Application
Size: 12/19oz
[su_button url="http://www.capitalsupply.com/wp-content/uploads/MSDSHIL0105255.pdf" style="soft" background="#545d66"]SDS Sheet[/su_button]
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